Base is the home of a rabbinic family. A home base for young adults and their friends. A Jewish, pluralistic, hospitable home of learning and service.

We know that people in their 20s and 30s are seeking a Jewish life of relevance, purpose, and meaning. That life of meaning is built first from personal relationships, not from products or programs.

The problem is: Much of the Jewish world is built around programs and products. Few of them are pluralistic. And many (but not all!) are hard to crack into. They’re designed for the people who are already “in.”

So we started building a movement of Jewish homes that are hospitable and pluralistic. Homes that are centered around young rabbinic families and a community of peers. Homes where we celebrate, learn, and serve together.

We build this through:

Access to rabbis for counseling, support, and personal learning.

A welcoming home environment for shabbat and holiday celebrations

Content-rich classes in Jewish thought and practice

Local community engagement & service-learning

Base is building…

A generation of young Jews who see themselves as part of the Jewish family.

Homes that are central hubs for Jewish lives of meaning, purpose, and joy.

A field of pluralistic rabbinic couples who are spiritual leaders and communal organizers.

“Base is an incredible asset to the Jewish community. It’s mind-blowing to me that they have only been here a year! They are like the puzzle piece we didn’t know we were missing. ”

— Base DNVR Supporter