Our Research
Embedded in Base’s model and approach to building Jewish life and community is a deep care towards learning, evaluating, and assessing our own work.
We work with external evaluators, our funders, and consultants on refining our program model, impact assessment, and key performance indicators.
We also conduct our own internal research in collaboration with our rabbis, educators, and community members. We’re continuously asking: “What’s working? What’s not working?”
We believe that the way we do our work models what we’re doing in our work. We've benefited from the wisdom of researchers and practitioners who have publicly shared their successes and failures. We aspire to similarly pay it forward so that others building Jewish community can learn from our experience and ask the kinds of questions we’re asking.
2022 Impact Report
“The Contribution of Base to the Lives of Young Jewish Adults”
2021 Impact Report
“Weaving a Meaningful Jewish Space forYoung Adults”
2020 Impact Report
“My Jewish Home: Base’s First Six Years”
“Base is an incredible asset to the Jewish community. It’s mind-blowing to me that they have only been here a year! They are like the puzzle piece we didn’t know we were missing.”
— Base DNVR Supporter